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来源: 中国网 | 作者: 娜塔莎[俄罗斯] | 时间: 2022-01-07 | 责编: 罗天林


[俄罗斯] 娜塔莎 中国地质大学(武汉)









中国地质大学 / 娜塔莎提供

中国地质大学 / 娜塔莎提供



The Most Beautiful Encounter in My Life

[Russia] Butina Nataliia, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

My first visit to China was just like a dream. When I stepped on this land, I smelled the warm and fresh air, and enjoyed the scenery that seemed to have frequently appeared in my dreams. It felt like when I was a child, holding my grandmother’s hand, jumping on the stone road in my hometown, counting every brick and stone under my feet, beautiful and stable. That feeling, I think, is the warmth of home.

When I first arrived in Dalian, a city in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province, I was attracted by everything around me. Unlike the styles of Russian cities, Dalian is a laid-back and comfortable coastal city. And it is here that my story unfolds. During my first year of study in Dalian, I neither knew a single Chinese character, nor I spoke Chinese. I had a lot of difficulties in life and study, and I was a bit shy wherever I went. The separation from my family and friends made me feel lonely. I had no idea what to do after class. I missed home, my parents and the old days. When I called my dad, he told me to take it easy and to try to step into the real life and the world around me.

After class, I went out onto the streets of Dalian. I noticed that people around me would cast friendly glances and bright smiles at me, and no matter what time of day, someone would always extend warm hands to me. Later, I went to the bustling market, feel the joy of people bargaining; I sat on the park benches, listening to the senior people singing songs while playing Tai Chi; I also stolled at the seaside square to watch the roaring sea and flying white seagulls... Life seemed to be starting to brighten up. Gradually, I could understand the small talks in the lively market, and chat with the stall-holders; I could dance happily with the aged people and listen to their stories one by one; I also took a lot of beautiful landscape photos and explored countless new places... When I talked to my family and friends on the phone, I can’t stop talking about the interesting things happened in China. Later, my dad asked me: Why do you like China so much?

I think the first thing I love China lies in the feeling of living here. I can completely empty my mind and immerse myself in a new state of life. Chinese people have a simple attitude toward life, and they will enjoy life and put all their passion into it. In the evening, I see many grandparents, uncles and aunts exercising and dancing in the street, which is so natural and comfortable. We can sing and dance the way we like. It’s differenet in Russia. If you ask me to walk in the street in my home clothes and watch the crowded people in the streets, it would be too difficult to dance along with them.

The second reason is because China develops really fast and brings me extraordinary experiences every day. Everything is so convenient when living in China. You can do a lot of things with just one mobile app on your phone. Only one click needed to place an order, you can buy tickets and food, order takeout, and go shopping online. Everything is so natural and harmonious here. I like the facilities in China’s cities; cinemas, shopping malls, parks, squares, restaurants of all tastes, electronic libraries, unmanned supermarkets, loan-as-you-go shared vehicles, fresh and interesting art exhibitions... In any corner of the city you can feel the progress of technology and economic development. I also like the unique scenery of the countryside, farmhouses, small bridges and streams, fields, all of which allow people to feel the beauty and closeness of nature.

Later, I visited Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and saw the amazing skyscrapers and financial centers, and felt the faster and stronger development speed. I thought, the Chinese people are really happy and it is so comfortable to live in China. The country spares no effort for its people’s welfare, and the people are united to make progress for the country’s development.

Then later, I went to Wuhan, Hubei Province, where I studied Chinese language in preparation for further professional studies. At the university, I felt a deeper sense of friendship between Russia and China. Many students in China studied Russian and learned about Pushkin, Esenin and Sholokhov. I also saw a lot of Russian products on the shelves in the stores, and there were often Russian ballet and opera performances in the theaters. Besides, there are lots of Russian and Chinese tourists on the streets of both countries, which makes me feel closer to the two countries and feel extremely happy as a Russian girl studying in China. Although we suspended our classroom studies and returned to our country due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, I am constantly thinking about China and looking forward to returning to China and classes as soon as possible. After returning Russia, I could only learn about Wuhan through the Internet and TV. I watched my fellow citizens in Wuhan fighting against the epidemic and felt the determination and courage of the Chinese people. I wanted to come back and hug them and fight alongside them! Happily, Wuhan has finally overcome the difficulties and ushered in a beautiful spring. At that moment of victory, I once again saw the familiar classrooms, familiar streets, familiar cities, and I felt like I was back home again.

This year also marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. I was filled with joy and blessings when I saw the enthusiastic and smiling faces of everyone on the news, celebrating together the wonderful life they have now. China has changed me completely, making me feel the warmth and enthusiasm of home, giving me back my long-lost relaxation and happiness and letting me experience a fast and convenient life. All these feelings made me start to enjoy every moment of my life and enable me to experience the beauty and worth of life.

The most beautiful encounter in my life takes place when I met you, China.
